Saturday, 12 May 2012

February 2012 Final MTB race of Winter Series

February was my first month with over 200 miles recorded on Endomondo.

Once again I was building up to the end of the month and the final round of the Whyte Winter Series at Thetford.  Early in the month I had dropped my 10 miles best down by another minute to 43 min 6 secs.

The Final race was held in really bright sun and it was almost like summer!   Short sleeve jerseys and shorts were the order of the day!

I made a schoolboy error in my warm up as I did about 2 miles round the course, before intending a short cut back to the main arena..... unfortunately it all looks the same in the depth of the forest and somehow I took a wrong turn, compounded it with another and was soon totally disorientated and after asking someone with a map I realised I was on the other side of the forest !  I tried to memorise his map and set off hotfooting it back about 3 miles (!) arriving back with literally 2 minutes to spare having completed 9 miles!

I didn't have time to get a drink and must admit I started off a bit tired having effectively already completed more than a lap!

This course was faster and sweeping and I really enjoyed several swoopy sections where I found I could make up time well. The bombholes were a bit daunting being clipped in, but I managed to stay on ... just!

This time I was 13th of 30 competitors with two 34 minute laps.  i was very tired at the end, but was dead pleased to have kept to a consistent time for both laps at a similar pace

Once the Overall points for the seasons races were published I was really pleased to end the winter in 6th place overall from 54 competitors.  really pleased to have achieved that in my first taste of competitive cycling

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